Thursday 7 July 2016

my name

I am a Kaitikitanga of my name, My name is “Kepoe Ariu Keresoma”  first name Kepoe second name Ariu last name Keresoma. I got the name Kepoe from My uncle his name was “Kepoe Ariu ah-chee”  the name Ariu is from is from his dad his name was Ariu Rata Iosefa Mataafa.

My last name is Keresoma thats my dad’s name My dad’s last name is leolaga, leolaga is my dad’s dad, My grandad name is Leolaga Falefatu Latao.

Kepoe means alofa, alofa is means love in Samoa, Ariu means cheif, a chief is samoan leader of a village or group,keresoma means TOA means brave in samoa.

Thats is why all of those information that I explane is Katiakitanga to me I sustain,nuture my name, protect my name.


We were learning to share informations about our name for example who we name after, where our name was from and what does it mean.

I was good at explaining every about my name like almoste evrythin about my name.

I can expalin billions of things about my name because I know everything about my name. Because I know everything about my name .

I got better at know that my name is very special to and why its so special to me. Because before we wrot these thing about our name I knew nothing about it.

It is hard to memorise everything cause at a kid we cant memorise that much abot things. Because its very for to memorise that much.

I feel like my name is very special to but people keep but teasing it because they think it tease people name.

My next steps are to find out more ideas about my name  becuase that will make me write down more special thing about my name.