Wednesday 10 June 2015

T2 Reading Learning story

I have been finding information about N.Z's Involvement in war and why N.Z has been involved in wars. 

I was researching, by going on the NZ History site. I read each paragraph and then I talked about the information with my group. We had to find the key information that answered our wondering questions. First we made notes and then we explained the information to the class. We had to write about the information in our own words. 

We summarise the key information and we took notes about the Vietnam war  we talked about who was involved in the war and when did it happen and where did it take place. 

We got all of our informations from our school journal  and some books from the  library. Last week we were researching we were skimming and scamming in N.Z history. 

what found out about the Vietnam war that it   started at 1954 and 3000 soldiers fought for Vietnam but we were along side with U.S.A. and The war was against south Vietnam and North Vietnam.
American supported south Vietnam because they were against North Vietnam communist government.My N.Z at war information . My next steps are to summarise the key informations.

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