Sunday 13 December 2015


21st century learning or old school learning? Which is best?  Today Im gonna tell you what I know is best, and that's 21st century style of learning. I’m sure you would all agree.

First, I’m going to tell you about what it was like was it like using  paper and pencil. Back in the days we didn't have any technology,  just boring old paper and pencil. I like 21st century learning because we get to use chromebooks instead. A chromebook is much better because when you research something you  just press the button enter then boom you in just 5 second so that is what I like about chromebook.  

Old school learning is boring! Think back to how we use to write in books using pencil and pens. All we did was copy what the teacher told us. Most of the time it was about stuff we weren't even really interested in. It took a long time, so lots of our important learning time was wasted.

Now, with the use of technology, we can search any information that we need. Its quick and fast and we don’t need to wait for the teacher. We can also learn at home and share our learning with our family.

This is why 21st century learning is BEST. I know you agree.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

by Kepoe

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