Sunday 13 December 2015


 1   2 3     4 5    1 2  3    5     1    2   3    4       5
1.Ah, extreme warfare those ugly bombs every good boy deserves food.
1 2  3   4  5     1   2   3  4 5
I am cool and fast  my name is kepoe

   1 2   3   4 5        1      2   3 4 5
2. i live in porirua with my family


21st century learning or old school learning? Which is best?  Today Im gonna tell you what I know is best, and that's 21st century style of learning. I’m sure you would all agree.

First, I’m going to tell you about what it was like was it like using  paper and pencil. Back in the days we didn't have any technology,  just boring old paper and pencil. I like 21st century learning because we get to use chromebooks instead. A chromebook is much better because when you research something you  just press the button enter then boom you in just 5 second so that is what I like about chromebook.  

Old school learning is boring! Think back to how we use to write in books using pencil and pens. All we did was copy what the teacher told us. Most of the time it was about stuff we weren't even really interested in. It took a long time, so lots of our important learning time was wasted.

Now, with the use of technology, we can search any information that we need. Its quick and fast and we don’t need to wait for the teacher. We can also learn at home and share our learning with our family.

This is why 21st century learning is BEST. I know you agree.

Thank you for listening to my speech.

by Kepoe

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Explanation Writing

                                      How I shone at polyfest

I shone At Polyfest 2015. I shone by dancing and respecting my Samoan culture. Polyfest was held at Hosanna church there were heaps of people.

Next I shone at Polyfest when I did a girl walk for the entrance and then heaps of people started laughing. All of the Boys were doing it until it came to the coolest part the whip. That was the most coolest part out of all of the moves in the slap dance because it makes the crowd go "Wow thats mean."

Then I shone when we did our sasa and when we did a pattern to impress  the audience. I am great at this because I learnt all of the slap dance and learn all of the sasa moves so I can do well at the real Polyfest.

I am really proud of the teacher and Nash and Pina for helping us for the dance and making our costume. I can’t wait until next year polyfest I hope we have a better one like this years one.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Polyfest 2015 Learning story

On 5th August, Corinna School performed their Polyfest concert at Hosanna church. We were doing Samoan dances and songs in front of our family and friends. All of the students at Corinna School were performing their own culture; like Maori, Cambodian, Cook Island and Tokelauan. 

When the door opened up to go up on the stage my stomach went empty, and then billions of butterflies entered my stomach and flew around. I been relating by contributing to going to practice we even practice at Hosanna church. When we were on stage doing the sasa we were communicating which  side to go when do the sasa.          

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Term 2 maths learning story

In maths I have been learning to solve problems quickly by using multiplication.

 I have been learning to use my multiplication to solve problems.

Multiplication is a good strategy to use because it is faster. Multiplication is the same as repeated Addition. 

5x23=(5x20) + (5x2)=110

I am also learning to work in a team to solve problems. We need to work together and share our ideas and listen to other peoples ideas so we all know how to solve the problem.

My next step is to be able to  confidently explain and justify the strategies we used to solve the problem. 

Good Friday learning Story

In Good Friday I am learning to do Zentangle Art. In good Friday the purpose is to concentrate on what I am doing and make it perfect and neat. I have been using self managing skills to stay focused and improve my art skills . Zentangle  Art is yoga for your brain it keeps you focused and make you self manage I like art because it's relaxing and cool .

When  I  do art I'm always listening to Alex when he tells me when I need to shade my art to make it even darker or brighter in my sketching book. 

Art is a very challenging thing in art I have been working too draw hard things like dragons and add hard pattern into it .The purpose of My Art work is to give it all you got and challenge yourself.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

T2 Reading Learning story

I have been finding information about N.Z's Involvement in war and why N.Z has been involved in wars. 

I was researching, by going on the NZ History site. I read each paragraph and then I talked about the information with my group. We had to find the key information that answered our wondering questions. First we made notes and then we explained the information to the class. We had to write about the information in our own words. 

We summarise the key information and we took notes about the Vietnam war  we talked about who was involved in the war and when did it happen and where did it take place. 

We got all of our informations from our school journal  and some books from the  library. Last week we were researching we were skimming and scamming in N.Z history. 

what found out about the Vietnam war that it   started at 1954 and 3000 soldiers fought for Vietnam but we were along side with U.S.A. and The war was against south Vietnam and North Vietnam.
American supported south Vietnam because they were against North Vietnam communist government.My N.Z at war information . My next steps are to summarise the key informations.

T2 writing learning stories

In my writing I have been learning to pretend that I was a soldier that was balloted to go to the war. I had to describe what happened and how my character was feeling. It felt like that I was acting in the my conscription story . 
In my conscription writing I have been using similes,metaphor,and descriptive words to paint a picture in my readers head so they can see my story like a movie in their heads. 

For example: "fire in the hole!!! Every soldier  goes down and covers there ears. Boom! 

My purpose of my conscription is to make it interesting and entertaining so I hook the reader in.  
our writing my conscription writing . My conscription writing is a special writing for those who passed the in the war and those who fought for our country . My Next steps a to include an introduction,fact about the 5ws and a conclusion.