Monday 12 December 2016

Keeping our self safe learning storie

My text is called unwelcome visitor  
it a recount,its purpose is to retell an event in an interesting in a  way.

I located information so i found out that his mum left him home alone by himself.

I inferred information and ideas so I found out, I found out that the kid was pressured and worried about him being home alone.
I worked this out because I could tell that the kid was very worried and scared that he’s home alone by himself.

I evaluated that if I was the parent I wouldn't leave my daughter or son home alone because It would make me as a parent very pressured  

Sunday 11 December 2016

product learning storie

Me and my buddy have been making an app for teenagers,for their health and wellbeing. The inquiry question is ‘How can we design a product that will improve health and wellbeing for teenagers?’.

We were good at at putting everything that will improve health and well being for teenagers. Our product is an app. We think that a app will improve their health by inspiring them to get of their phone and get active.

The new thing that I learnt from doing our product is how would it really improve the health and wellbeing for teenagers. We think that it make them fit and active for the pass through years and not be lazy and bored.

The hard part is making the app and making a storyboard for our app,because you need to take your time making the app like putting in a logo, home screen and stuff like that. That’s why its hard about making the app .

The way I felt making this, was happy because I think teenagers will buy our app and rate it 10/10 stars on google play or itunes.I think will be impressed by the of how the app works as they use it.

My next step is if they think our does not improve health and wellbeing we will try our best to improve and update our app.

The key competency that I used was managing myself because when my buddy was not there I will try my best to get more things done so when they come back the won't have to do more of the learning since it’s already done.

Other learning buddies thinks our app is worth it and it will improve health and wellbeing for teenagers in the world.

Sunday 13 November 2016

My Reflection about me being in our new learning space

My Reflection About Learning in our New Learning            


The start of Term 3 we moved into our new learning environment. We started with art. We usually start with inquiry writing or reading but almost this whole five days we’ve been doing art,we were learning about bold lines and contrasting colour about any image with our learning team

I was good at finishing on time before we pack up and getting ready to go home I was focused about every five days well  because art is my favourite subject.

I got better at finishing my work quickly last term I couldn't even finish one thing from our learning plan but now in our new environment I can finish my work just like that.

Sometimes I don’t like when we work together with the other classroom cause in our new learning environment we have two room   the name of those two new classroom is called  room Tuakana   that name Tuakana the represent our name Nghati Aroha, the true thing that I hate about this classroom I get confused because when we a on the mat  the other class just stands up and starts to talk   but couldn't hear what Kate talking about   what’s the story about or what’s happening in the story.

I like having the oven in our room   because when the chefs cooks I like the smell of the cooking and after that we get to eat it at lunch or they can just be greedy and just keep it for themselves.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

poem learning storie

                         The Vacation
   The The bright reflection of the sun on our shades,

The waves hit our feet as toe walked :t the white sand,

The breeze of thick cool air was just right,

Made us feel relaxed like we were on vacation,       

The salty fish and chips and nice cold ice cream made our taste buds feel like they were in heaven,

Our emotions had the best time of their lives,

The sunset went back to where it came from,

Then we snoozed and snoozed till the next morning.

By Kepoe and Laumua

This was the feedback that we got back from our teacher

Gemma gray’s comment:Talofa boys! Well done this is a great poem! You have used similes to help your reader visualise and to feel like they are there. You have also included some good adjectives. Well done! There are two suggestions I have for you both to have a think about... the first is that you have switched between writing in the past and writing in the present throughout the poem. I suggest that you stick to just one, for example, "the waves hit (writing about the past) as we walk (writing about the present/what is happening at that moment) through sand". If this is confusing I can explain it more to you, but have a go at working through your awesome poem and making sure that this is consistent Also what can you change your title to that will give your readers a hint about what your poem will be about?

We were good  at using powerful  verb in our poems like this  one EG:  the waves hit our feet as our toes go through  the white sand.
I was good using personification I was describing how the  person took a bite of the fish then I wrote that his taste buds were  in heaven.

I got better at adjectives because I was describing the peacefulness of the beach like the sun was too bright that my shades were shining.

I felt happy because when I was writing this poem reminds me of the island of Samoa

Both of us need get better at  working together and come up whole lots of ideas so when we  other people read it the will think it a cool.

Sunday 9 October 2016

My art learning storie

WWLT:create a bold image that represent our ancestor and what they are remembered for
I was good at drawing and putting everything that my ancestor is remembered for and what they did that makes them very special. I put in ko’oko’o and a fu’e as their lauga. A lauga is a speech for anything eg:(funeral,meeting,church dinner,forgiveness)
I can add colours that stand out like brown for the background and orange for the lavalava and brown again for the skin colour. I found out those colours from the colour wheel.

I feel proud when I draw things like this because it makes me very emotional. It reminds me of all the things that my ancestor has done like hard work for his village and family and the things that he had like the fu’e and the ko’oko’o that he  passed down to his grandchildren. Then his grandchildren passed them on to their kids when they were older.

It's hard to press down with the chalk because when I press down it will break.  It wrecks my beautiful artwork that took me two weeks to finish. It very, very difficult to use it.

My next step is to add heaps of contrasting colors because then my ancestor will stand out.

DSCF4809.JPGI used the key competency of managing self as learning power because I found good spot to do my art without anyone distracting me.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Writing recount (wake up story)

When I wake up in the morning my mum make me breakfast the smell of crispy juicy bacon and smooth nutella and banana on toast. The sound of the radio made me think what's happening in Samoa after the huge accident that happened about the big huge scary fire that at the markets the next minute I needed get ready, the taste of of blue minty mouthwashes my teeth and refreshes me up and a brand new smell of minty breath and a brand new colour when I looked in the mirror my teeth looked liked it was the colour of snow cause of  the whiteness of my teeth.When I was running to put my shoe on because I was almost late for school my legs felt like my bones were about to disconnect, I felt like I was lazy when my mum tells me to go back in my room and clean it.When we are driving to school I fall asleep  super tired that I even had a dream that every school in porirua burnt down the next minute I woke up I told my mum about my nightmare, mum was like what !! well don't even tell that to your teacher.

Thursday 7 July 2016

my name

I am a Kaitikitanga of my name, My name is “Kepoe Ariu Keresoma”  first name Kepoe second name Ariu last name Keresoma. I got the name Kepoe from My uncle his name was “Kepoe Ariu ah-chee”  the name Ariu is from is from his dad his name was Ariu Rata Iosefa Mataafa.

My last name is Keresoma thats my dad’s name My dad’s last name is leolaga, leolaga is my dad’s dad, My grandad name is Leolaga Falefatu Latao.

Kepoe means alofa, alofa is means love in Samoa, Ariu means cheif, a chief is samoan leader of a village or group,keresoma means TOA means brave in samoa.

Thats is why all of those information that I explane is Katiakitanga to me I sustain,nuture my name, protect my name.


We were learning to share informations about our name for example who we name after, where our name was from and what does it mean.

I was good at explaining every about my name like almoste evrythin about my name.

I can expalin billions of things about my name because I know everything about my name. Because I know everything about my name .

I got better at know that my name is very special to and why its so special to me. Because before we wrot these thing about our name I knew nothing about it.

It is hard to memorise everything cause at a kid we cant memorise that much abot things. Because its very for to memorise that much.

I feel like my name is very special to but people keep but teasing it because they think it tease people name.

My next steps are to find out more ideas about my name  becuase that will make me write down more special thing about my name.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

My maths Refection 2016

In our group sometime we have friendly arguing. I am good at explaining my Ideas in my they will know what did and my strategy that I did. I got better at being confident before I was very shy at explaining my ideas when we need to share our Ideas but now I'm not shy. 

Next time I will stay concentrating in my group instead of talking to other groups. 

 When I work in my my group I felt great at explaining all of my ideas to them  and they will be happy =) 

I felt great at explaining my  ideas to my group.

When I work in a group it felt great because It felt like we're on are rugby team on the field.  

Monday 11 April 2016

my name

I am a Kaitikitanga of my name, My name is “Kepoe Ariu Keresoma”  first name Kepoe second name Ariu last name Keresoma. I got the name Kepoe from My uncle his name was “Kepoe Ariu ah-chee”  the name Ariu is from is from his dad his name was Ariu Rata Iosefa Mataafa.

My last name is Keresoma thats my dad’s name My dad’s last name is Leolaga, leolaga is my dad’s dad, My granddad name is Leolaga Falefatu Latao.

Kepoe means alofa, alofa is means love in Samoa, Ariu means chief, a chief is Samoan leader of a village or group,keresoma means TOA means brave in samoa.

Thats is why all of those information that I explane is Katiakitanga to me I sustain,nurture my name, protect my name.

We were learning to communicate interesting information and ideas about our name.

I was able to tell my audience what my means and who I got it from because they who I am and they will know I am and why my name is so special to me.

I got better at explaining all the meaning of my name EG:“Kepoe Ariu ah-chee”  the name Ariu is from is from his dad his name was Ariu Rata Iosefa Mataafa.

My last name is Keresoma thats my dad’s name My dad’s last name is Leolaga, leolaga is my dad’s dad, My granddad name is Leolaga Falefatu Latao.

Kepoe means alofa, alofa is means love in Samoa, Ariu means chief, a chief is Samoan leader of a village or group,keresoma means TOA means brave in samoa. 

My next steps is to explain to my reader what my name means to me and explain more information  about my name next time.

I think that I used all of the information about about my name, I was good at telling my audience what I was saying and where I got name from.

Sunday 10 April 2016

My Taonga

]My Taonga is my conch, my conch is very special because in Samoa we use it for very special occasions like  chief meetings and funerals.

My conch is from Samoa, my aunt gave it to me so I can use it for special occasions. Once we used it for our family reunion and my dad used it when he went to his sister's funeral in Samoa.

Did you know that you find conch shells in the pacific ocean and that a conch is a hermit crab's shell?

My conch is very strong and loud like a ship's horn  

My conch means tropical marine mollusca, mollusca is shellfish live in the ocean the they grow inside the shell.

I was learning to explain information about my Taonga. I achieved to tell my class what my Taonga is called EG: My Taonga from Samoa its very special occasions. I got better at explaining heaps of information about my Taonga before I got it I knew nothing about it. 

My next steps are to learn more information about my Taonga because next time I share information my Taonga there be heaps more.